national premiere
on 20/10/2006 and on on 22/10/2006
Federico Leon & Marcos Martinez
Hommage to Henri Michaux
Josef Nadj
Fanny & Alexander
Raggruppamento II
Fabrizio Favale
national premiere
Traits de Ciel - Thierry Bae e Marion Bae
national premiere
on 20/10/2006 and on on 22/10/2006
Federico Leon & Marcos Martinez
Jonathan Burrows - Matteo Fargion
Raggruppamento II
Fabrizio Favale
Jonathan Burrows - Matteo Fargion
Compagnia Virgilio Sieni / Tempo Reale
from 24/10/2006 to 25/10/2006 and on from 27/10/2006 to 28/10/2006
Pippo Delbono
from 24/10/2006 to 25/10/2006 and on from 27/10/2006 to 28/10/2006
Pippo Delbono
Eimuntas Nekrosius
a performance by Motus dedicated to Samuel Beckett
Compagnia Scimone Sframeli
Eimuntas Nekrosius
Erna Omarsdottir-Johann Johannsson
Compagnia Scimone Sframeli
a performance by Motus dedicated to Samuel Beckett
from 24/10/2006 to 25/10/2006 and on from 27/10/2006 to 28/10/2006
Pippo Delbono
Erna Omarsdottir-Johann Johannsson
Compagnia Scimone Sframeli
from 24/10/2006 to 25/10/2006 and on from 27/10/2006 to 28/10/2006
Pippo Delbono
All the towns
Vie Scena Contemporanea Festival is an Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione project,