
Teatro Comunale, Modena

20/10/2006 21:00  
21/10/2006 19:30  

music by Claudio Monteverdi
performed and created by Quan Bui Ngoc, Mathieu Desseigne-Ravel, Lisi Estaràs, Emile Josse, Iona Kewney, Samuel Lefeuvre, Melanie Lomoff, Ross McCormack, Elie Tass, Rosalba Torres Guerrero, Hyo-Seung Ye
music direction Wim Becu (Oltremontano), Fabrizio Cassol (Aka Moon), Tcha Limberger (Gipsy)
soprano Cristina Zavalloni
music players Tcha Limberger (flauto, violino), Vilmos Csikos (basso), Ensemble Oltremontano (dir.Wim Becu), 2 fisarmoniche Wim Becu, Adam Woolf, 2 corni Fiona Doron Sherwin, Caroline Van Dyck, Aka Moon, Fabrizio Cassol (sassofono), Stéphane Galland (percussioni), Michel Hatzigeorgiou (basso, bouzouki)
direction ALAIN PLATEL
music Fabrizio Cassol tratto da I Vespri di C. Monteverdi, in collaboration with Wim Becu e Tcha Limberger
direction assistant Juliana Neves
play-writing Hildegard De Vuyst
music play-writing Kaat De Windt
scene Peter de Blieck
costume designer Lies Van Assche
costume designer assistants Lies Marechal, Nicole Bynens
lights Carlo Bourguignon
lights assistant Kurt Lefèvre
sound Alexandre Fostier
sound assitant Caroline Wagner
technique Koen Mortier assistito da Jan De Backer, Guy Peeters, Koen Raes
technique assistant Necati Koylu
direction and production Iris Raspoet, Sara Vanderieck
direction and production Oltremontano Early Music Artists
photography Chris Van der Burght
video Sven Augustijnen
production Les Ballets C. de la B.
c-production con KunstenFESTIVALdesArts-La Monnaie/De Munt (Brussel), Le Grand Théâtre de Luxemburg, RUHRtriennale/Kunststiftung NRW, Staatsoper Unter den Linden (Berlin), TorinoDanza, Holland Festival (Amsterdam), Sadler’s Wells (London)
vsprs è un elemento ufficiale del programma artistico e culturale della FIFA World CUP TM 2006
in collaboration with Théâtre de la Ville (Paris), KVS (Brussel)
a special thank to NTGent, Kunstencentrum Vooruit (Ghent)
Glenn Vervliet, Tobias Kokkelmans, Prof.Dr.P.Vandermeersch, Museum Dr.Guislain, An Seurinck, Marleen and Stijn Dessel, Geert Claey, Nele Wynants, Peter Misschaert
with the support of Belgian authorities, Ghent, Oost Vlaanderen
duration 1 hour 40 minutes

score between collective religiousness and individualism

Vowel-less as it is, vsprs, under its unpronounceable and strong sequence of consonants, can still utter the hidden word Vespers, which reminds, from the fleming of the Monteverdi’s Il Vespro della Beata Vergine, starting point and source of inspiration for Alain Platel’s last work of choreographic theatre. Platel assembles dancers, musicians, singers, capable, through apparently unconnected actions, of evoking Monteverdi’s most intimate significance: the interfusion between religiousness and sense of community. The most brilliant characteristic of baroque music can be found in the use of fugue and of difficult and very fast passages, which could point out soloist’s virtuosity. Monteverdi composed Il Vespro drawing from the old and, at the same time, showing himself as a pioneer of the new. Similarly, Platel shows us that there is no need to ditch the old in order to be modern. In his theatre, made of breaking-out dynamicity, different ways of saying and feeling can find their place and balance, and that difficult border between genuine spontaneity and high structurization can find an involving measure. In this devotional work, performed at the foot of a burning glacier, the chorus, which represents the collectivity, progressively gives up in favour of the solos and of that sense of loneliness so loved by the anarchic humanity of Les Ballets C. de la B., who, with a direct and sometimes rude language, can express the poetry of all the neglected, and let understand, on stage, their right of citizenship.

link to the company

The show

Vie Scena Contemporanea Festival is an Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione project, www.emiliaromagnateatro.com