Giorgio Barberio Corsetti
Abbas Kiarostami
For Penthesilea
Daria Lippi - Eric Lacascade
Giorgio Barberio Corsetti
Abbas Kiarostami
For Penthesilea
Daria Lippi - Eric Lacascade
Alvis Hermanis - New Riga Theatre
Dogboy - The Spirit that takes on the form of man’s best friend. Evocation.
habillé d'Eau
Abbas Kiarostami
Alvis Hermanis - New Riga Theatre
Dogboy - The Spirit that takes on the form of man’s best friend. Evocation.
habillé d'Eau
Abbas Kiarostami
The Torturer’s Dawn - Milgram Project
Teatrino Clandestino
The window on the Courtyard
1985-2005 Il Cortile twenty years on
Abbondanza - Bertolli - Castello - Cocconi - Giordano - Rossi
You will never lose me
La finestra sul Cortile
Raffaella Giordano
La finestra sul Cortile
Roberto Castello - Aldes
La finestra sul Cortile
Giorgio Rossi
Polis - Project I have an Other-ache - III part
La finestra sul Cortile
Compagnia Abbondanza - Bertoni
The walls
La finestra sul Cortile
Roberto Cocconi - Compagnia Arearea
Performance for soldiers in peace keeping missions
Erna Ómarsdóttir - Emil Hrvatin
The Torturer’s Dawn - Milgram Project
Teatrino Clandestino
A self-portrait facing a landscape
Josef Nadj - Vladimir Tarasov
Performance for soldiers in peace keeping missions
Erna Ómarsdóttir - Emil Hrvatin
The Torturer’s Dawn - Milgram Project
Teatrino Clandestino
Inquiries on Pre-paradise sorry now by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Landscape with broken brother - trilogy
1 Mud becoming light 2 Iron chant 3 To who vacillates
Teatro Valdoca
The Song of F.P. and I.M. - Public reading by Elsa Morante
Teatro delle Albe
A self-portrait facing a landscape
Josef Nadj - Vladimir Tarasov
The Torturer’s Dawn - Milgram Project
Teatrino Clandestino
Inquiries on Pre-paradise sorry now by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Landscape with broken brother - trilogy
1 Mud becoming light 2 Iron chant 3 To who vacillates
Teatro Valdoca
The Song of F.P. and I.M. - Public reading by Elsa Morante
Teatro delle Albe
The rules of heaven
Luca Massimo Barbero - Luca Scarlini - Stefano Tomassini
June tales - Meeting with himself
Pippo Delbono
A self-portrait facing a landscape
Josef Nadj - Vladimir Tarasov
The Torturer’s Dawn - Milgram Project
Teatrino Clandestino
Inquiries on Pre-paradise sorry now by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
live concert
Alva Noto + Ryuichi Sakamoto
The rules of heaven
Luca Massimo Barbero - Luca Scarlini - Stefano Tomassini
The rules of heaven
Luca Massimo Barbero - Luca Scarlini - Stefano Tomassini
The rules of heaven
Luca Massimo Barbero - Luca Scarlini - Stefano Tomassini
All the towns
Vie Scena Contemporanea Festival is an Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione project,