The Living Room
Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards
Directed by :Thomas Richards
The Focused Research Team in Art as Vehicle is:
Benoit Chevelle, Jessica Losilla Hébrail, Teresa Salas, Philip Salata, Cécile Richards, Thomas Richards
Running time: 1h30min
Subject to reservation
The Living Room, a new opus in the domain of Art as vehicle, takes us home, to place in which we welcome another. By starting from this fundamental action that can take place in a living room, we enter an investigation into how the potentialities of performance craft can both enrich and be enriched by daily inter-personal relations and realities. How can our room come alive? How can one be with another in such a way that the quotidian slides seamlessly into the non-quotidian? Here the witness has a chance to shed his anonymity, being an individual, a guest. Within our meeting a performative event unfolds, structured and precise, a living stream of actions based on work with songs of tradition, as well as texts exploring what it takes to awaken ourselves faced to ourselves, the other and the world.
The Focused Research Team in Art as Vehicle, under the direction of Thomas Richards continues research in the domain of Art as vehicle, a praxis that from the Workcenter’s beginning has been based on work with ancient songs of tradition. The basis of Art as vehicle is the investigation into the way in which the performing arts can be a tool for the transformation of the artist’s perception and presence, a means of awakening subtle aspects of experience through work on structured streams of action and song.
Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards
Grotowski arrived in Pontedera, Italy in 1986, and founded the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski. At the Workcenter, Grotowski developed a line of “performance research” known as Art as vehicle for 13 years until his death in 1999. Within this creative investigation, he worked very closely with Thomas Richards whom he called his “essential collaborator,” eventually changing the name of the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski to include that of Richards. During those years of intense practical work, Grotowski transmitted to Richards the fruit of his lifetime research, what he called “the inner aspect of the work.” Grotowski entrusted Richards and Mario Biagini, a key member of the Workcenter team since its beginnings and presently its Associate Director, as the sole legatees of his Estate, including his entire body of written work, specifying this resignation as a confirmation of his “family of work.” Since Grotowski’s passing in 1999, Richards and Biagini have been continuing to develop the Workcenter’s performing
arts research in new directions.