Montage for Three
Daniel Linehan
Conception and coreography: Daniel Linehan
With: Daniel Linehan, Salka Ardal Rosengren
Coproduction: P.A.R.T.S. Bruxelles, Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis
Running time: 25'
Montage for Three is a choreography-of-images for two dancers and one projector. It takes its source material entirely from found photographs, both famous and obscure. These images are projected longside the two dancers, who embody the photographs with the absurd and impossible aim of giving presence to something which is absent.
The living/moving/present bodies confront the mechanical/static/reproduced bodies in such a way that the two forms begin to merge and exchange roles. The dancers become a trigger for the viewer’s memory, as the still images begin to take on a life of their own.
Daniel Linehan
Daniel Linehan (Choreography and Performance), worked as a dancer and choreographer in Brooklyn (New York) for four years, and has recently re-located to Brussels to attend the Research Cycle at PARTS. He has collaborated with Michael Helland on multiple duet projects, which have been presented by several venues in New York, Philadelphia, and Montréal. Linehan’s own choreographic work has been presented at numerous venues in New York, including Chez Bushwick, Dance Theater Workshop, and The Kitchen. His solo Not About Everything premiered at Dance Theater Workshop in November 2007, and has since been presented internationally in Paris, Rennes and Ghent.