Kin Keen King

Dewey Dell

Ponte Alto, Modena

12/10/2009 22:30  
13/10/2009 21:30  

concept, choreography and costumes Teodora Castellucci
with Eugenio Resta, Teodora Castellucci, Agata Castellucci
original music, lights Demetrio Castellucci
scenes, lights and production assistance Eugenio Resta
technical assistance Tiziano Ruggia
realization of costumes Carmen Castellucci, Daniela Fabbri, “Il Pattino”
realization of scenes Rinaldo Rinaldi
production Dewey Dell / Fies Factory One
co-production Centrale Fies, Festival de Marseille, Uovo performing arts festival
in collaboration with AMAT / Civitanova

Running time 30'

The title contains the mark of the performance. The onomatopoeic sound of the jingle of a drop reveals a kingly figure embodied by the four letters of the english word “King”. At the beginning he’s just a sketch: he’s the missing head of an incomplete fetus. Then the howl of a submarine diving suit shows the enormous and cruelly beautiful head, a skull which traces the shadow of royal families. The sense of the Sublime awakens. Virility, deprivation, deformation and impassivness are its manifestations: they simbolyze the feelings of Achab in front of the white whale and they are embodied by the monstrousness of a small misshapen prince.
The moment of deviation is the following situation, the imperceptible splitting of the “i" of “Kin” into the equivalent sound of two twin and separate "e”. Two female figures, covered with a shiny and styliform hair, mark the perimeter of the rose window on the floor with circular and energetic movements, moving with jumps in a wild dance.
It’s the moment of the absence: Richard the Lionheart departs from the kingdom, nightmares and arcane spells take possession of it.

Adele Cacciagrano

Dewey Dell

Dewey Dell was formed in 2007 by four young people: the three brothers and sisters Teodora, Demetrio and Agata Castellucci and their fraternal friend Eugenio Resta. The four founders of the company have grown up artistically, sharing the important formative experience of the Stoa, the School for the rhythmic movement based in Cesena.
Teodora, Agata, Demetrio and Eugenio have strong skills in different areas. This took each of them to give priority to a specific aspect of the work, without giving up a collective modelling of materials.
Teodora is therefore author of choreographies and costumes, Demetrio composes the music, Eugenio designs the lights and takes care of the technical aspects of production, while Agata is the model, an ideal example of the presence on stage that the company researches.
The name Dewey Dell, who came after the formation around the personality of Teodora Castellucci, is a tribute to Faulkner and to the young girl of “As I lay daying”, under whose look the company prepares itself to wander towards the abyss.

(Adele Cacciagrano)

The show

Vie Scena Contemporanea Festival is an Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione project,
Webagency: Web and More S.r.l.

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