collective creation
Artistic direction André Braga, Cláudia Figueiredo
Stageplay and plastic conception André Braga
dramaturgy Cláudia Figueiredo
original soundtrack Alfredo Teixeira
Construction Nuno Guedes, Carlos Pinheiro, Sandra Neves, Inês Mariana Moitas, Américo Castanheira
Lights Cristóvão Cunha
Sound Harald Kuhlmann
with André Braga, Ana Madureira, Graça Ochoa, Inês Oliveira, Inês Mariana Moitas, João Vladimiro, Mafalda Saloio, Patrick Murys
Co-production with the European network Próspero, Centro Cultural de Belém and Teatro Nacional São João
Italian première
Running time 1h 45'
The closing performance of the cycle “Poética da Casa”, Mansarda proposes the synthesis of the several ideas of house we approached to with this cycle: houses made of memory-skin that exist beyond time. Houses with roots and taste like earth, sensitive to the passing of the seasons. Houses–body-tree, feet deep in the ground and head touching the sky. Houses with the memories of an ancient rural world; with the memories of the fields and the animals. Houses with late night works and feast, with fears of darkness and the secret wish of travel. Houses with nests that are about to fly. Houses that integrate the wind and the rain and shelter a dreams with the sea. Island-houses, floating houses, eternity houses. Houses with landscapes of immensities.
The languages of images and emotions, of body, of objects, of music will be again the basis of this new poetic manifest that, without words, wants to talk about the importance of the preservation of memory and day-dream.
Throughout our life, step by step, we build a shelter-attic where we keep our fundamental recollection-dreams. Where we keep the experiences, the stories, the images we had been collecting to be able to come back to them whenever we want. In essence, a home for our heart. A house that melts with us and is always with us.
Aged, we visit these attics with roots in a remote childhood and we make the memory threads sound freely. We confuse the time curve. We walk towards the beginnings, we move towards the place where the address of our day-dreams lies...
The writings of Bachelard and the drawings, the sculptures and the installations of Louise Bourgeois are the starting points to a dialog with several authors: Tonino Guerra, Miguel Torga, Cesare Pavese, Mia Couto, Chagall, Dussaud… The mask, the clown, the dance with chairs, costumes, branches, straw..., the music of the hurdy-gurdy sewing machines, the voice and the singing will certainly be matters for the theatre improvisation work.