Once and for all we're gonna tell you who we are so shut up and listen

Ontroerend Goed/Kopergietery

Ponte Alto, Modena

10/10/2009 21:15  
11/10/2009 15:00  

Director Alexander Devriendt
Actors Aaron De Keyzer, Barbara Lefebure, Charlotte De Bruyne, Christophe De Poorter, Dina Dooreman, Edith De Bruyne, Edouard Devriendt, Elies Van Renterghem, Febe De Geest, Helena Gheeraert, Ian Ghysels, Koba Ryckewaert & Nathalie Verbeke, completed with: Nanesi Mensah Pee, Zeno Fieremans, Jorge De Geest & Fée Roels
Text Joeri Smet & Alexander Devriendt
Scenography & Costumes Sophie De Somere
In cooperation with de Kopergietery & Richard Jordan Productions Ltd.
With the support of the Flemish Government, the province of East-Flanders and the city of Ghent

Running time 1h

We’re gonna to do a play about teenagers
but it’s about a lot more than teenagers
who feel like teenagers during their teens:
about the utter chaos in our minds
the urge to go far too far, pimples
and dozens of other topics that will enrich your lives

We’ll pull down the barriers between the way we are onstage and off.
We’ll update the definition of puberty.
We’ll get on your nerves, but for once you’ll understand why.
We’ll make all other art on puberty superfluous.
You’ll think we’re super cool.

Only be performed by teenagers. It shows thirteen youngsters who are rebellious, trying to grasp themselves, behave aggressively, feeling vulnerable, are cool, and play like children, but who are also sometimes surprisingly adult.

The show

Vie Scena Contemporanea Festival is an Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione project, www.emiliaromagnateatro.com
Webagency: Web and More S.r.l.

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