Cena con delitto

Rocca, Vignola

12/10/2007 20:30  
13/10/2007 20:30  
14/10/2007 20:30  

direction and drama by Daniele Milani
with la Compagnia dei Giovani del TSA-TEATROSTUDIO
set Franco Troiani
costumes Sartoria TSA
lights Giulio Izzi
assistant direction Nadia Di Berbardo
stagehand Lucio Pelliccione
eletrician Giulio Izzi
production Teatro Stabile d'Abruzzo

RUNNING TIME: 2hrs 40mins


The Compagnia dei giovani del Teatro Stabile d'Abruzzo, headed by the actor and director Daniele Milani, propose e new and stimulating event, never realized before in our Region.
The title, clearly indicative, is “Cena con delitto”.
It’s an event/play during which the guests could eat a tasty dinner and in the same time watch a play where happen a mysterious murder.
At the end of the play, the audience will be call into question, and with the chief police they will be able to solve the mystery that enshroud the death of the victim.
Each guest could get mixed in the action and interact with the other guests and the actors.
The play Cena con delitto is an exclusive event for a creative audience thanks to the twists, the staggering accounts and the ability of the actors.
For the guests fit in the killer will not be so simple. Only the person that will pay attention at the details and the clues, could resolve the mystery.
(It’s necessary the reservation)

The show

Vie Scena Contemporanea Festival is an Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione project, www.emiliaromagnateatro.com