Speaking Dance

Teatro delle Passioni, Modena

17/10/2007 20:00  
18/10/2007 19:30  

by Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion
co-production Dance Umbrella London
with support of Arts Council England e Jonathan Burrows Group.
Special thanks to Dance4Nottingham



Choreographer Jonathan Burrows and composer Matteo Fargion present the final part of a trilogy of performances, which began in 2002 with ‘Both Sitting Duet’ and continued in 2005 with ‘The Quiet Dance’. This new piece continues their gentle exploration into how the relationship between music and dance is perceived, and the fragile but permeable boundaries between the two worlds. Their performances are a formal but humorous meditation on the nature of communication, and the relationship between each other and with the audience.

The trilogy of pieces is now touring internationally, and has been invited across 19 countries so far.

‘Both Sitting Duet’ was the winner of a 2004 New York Dance and Performance “Bessie” Award.

The show

Vie Scena Contemporanea Festival is an Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione project, www.emiliaromagnateatro.com