That night follows day
concept, text & direction Tim Etchells
direction assistance Pascale Petralia
with Tessa Acar, Hannah Bailliu, Michiel Bogaert, Spencer Bogaert, Lina Boudry, Taja Boudry, Tristan Claus, Amber Coone, Tineke De Baere, Florian De Temmerman, Yen Kaci, Lana Lippens, Jérôme Marynissen, Aswin Van de Cotte, Viktor Van Wynendaele & Ineke Verhaegen
set design Richard Lowdon
costume design Ann Weckx, assisted by Eva Van Kerkhove
lighting design Nigel Edwards
artistic co-ordination Marika Ingels
flemish translation Catherine Thys, Pascale Petralia & Marika Ingels
production management Win Clapdorp
children accompaniment Lotte De Vuyst & Merel Van Den Steen
voice training Françoise Vanhecke
technique Piet Depoortere & Niels Ieven
tour management Lee De Broe
sales management Kristof Blom
thank to Isotta Mergaert
produced by Victoria, Gent
co-produced by Festival d’Automne, Paris (F) / Les Spectacles vivant-Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (F), Steirischer Herbst Graz (A), Productiehuis Rotterdam (NL)
with the support ofKunstenFESTIVALdesArts Brussel (B), Fierce Earth Birmingham (UK), Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione (I), Theaterfestival Spielart München (D)
You feed us. You wash us. You dress us. You sing to us. You watch us when we are sleeping. You make promises that you think we won’t remember. You tell us stories with happy endings, and stories with unhappy endings and stories with endings that are not really endings at all. You explain to us what love is. You explain to us the different causes of illness and the different causes of war. You whisper softly when you think we can’t hear. You explain to us that night follows day.’
In response to the request by Victoria to do a performance with children, Tim Etchells (director and writer of the famous British company Forced Entertainment) creates That Night Follows Day, a piece with 16 children between 8 and 14 years old. It’s the very first time Etchells will work with this kind of cast. This piece is the second in a series of Victoria productions with children (but for an adult audience) started with üBUNG by Josse De Pauw (2001).
That Night Follows Day is based on a text written by Etchells himself and catalogues the many ways the children’s world is determined by that of adults. With great clarity and humour it examines the systems of parenthood, upbringing, discipline, care and welfare that define children’s and adolescents’ worlds.
As so often in his work, Tim Etchells seeks to turn the spotlight on the actual situation, the expectations and the problems of the performance presentation itself. In That Night Follows Day this revolves – playfully and provocatively - around the fact that adults will be watching and listening to children and adolescents while they talk about the way adults project their world onto them.