How not to be seen
urban workshop
CollettivO CineticO
Luogo da definire Mirandola, Mirandola
conducted by Francesca Pennini (director and choreographer), Angelo Pedroni (playwright and performer)
Information and reservation: 334/9316533 –
The workshop will supply a physical training outdoors (or in public places) and exercises of experimentation and creation.
The basic principle is the mimesis as an exercise of the presence / absence.
The performance work in urban spaces will be conducted in a fully mimetic way in order to force the participants' presence in a subtle way.
Interpret and react to the tacit regulation that governs the movement of bodies
in the complexity of the city becomes prerequisite to perform without being detected.
CollettivO CineticO
CollettivO CineticO
is an experimental performing arts group founded in 2007 by Francesca Pennini and working in the interstices between choreography, theater and visual arts. Shaped as a flexible net of multidisciplinary artists the collective mainly investigates the format and the status of the performative event, discussing its mechanisms and rules. Cornerstone of the reformatting approach is the C/o Project, a choreographic “architecture” lasting a decade, born from the
Foucault’s concept of heterotopias and composed by performances scattered in different spaces and times. EYE WAS EAR, a fragment of the C/o Project, developed through a research on the virtual reality platform Second Life, won the Prize “Giovani Danz’Autori E-R 2008” for young authors and choreographers. In 2010 the research project The Uncertain Scene has been co-produced by the European project Focus on Art and Science in the Performing Arts. In 2011 CollettivO CineticO was selected as Italian representative company in the
European Network IYME – International Young Makers Exchange. The following year the company won the call “Special Project Performance 2012: Rethinking
Cage”, with a piece named
CollettivO CineticO performed in national and international venues with a wide range of locations that goes from the traditional theatre to the private house,
from public toilets to web streaming.
Francesca Pennini
starts off as a gymnast and then devoted herself to contemporary dance. She
studies at Balletto di Toscana and Laban Centre in London, experiencing a broad range of eterogeneous disciplines: from butoh to free diving, from martial arts to disco-dance competitions.
Her research focuses on perspectives and definitions of the body in the contemporary society through a multimediality of languages that goes from videodance to performance, from photography to graphics and body installations. In 2007 she founds the research company CollettivO CineticO. Since then she
is artistic director and choreographer of the company for all the productions. In 2009 she is a choreographer in the Choreoroam Project. She teaches to professionists and students giving research workshops and contemporary dance classes. She works as a freelance dancer for Sasha Waltz & Guests.