L'immaginazione, il corpo, il cuore
Workshop conducted by Serge Nicolaï, Theatre du Soleil
Serge Nicolaï
Luogo da definire Modena, Modena
Serge Nicolaï is an actor, set designer and director. Since 1997 he is member of the Théâtre du Soleil in Paris directed by Ariane Mnouchkine, and for several years he worked in France, Italy, Taiwan, Korea, Brazil, Argentina and Chile as a teacher, following the principles and pedagogy of the Théâtre du Soleil.
For the ninth edition of VIE Festival, in which he participates as a director with A puerta cerrada on stage in Casalecchio di Reno on 24 and 25 May, Nicolaï will hold a workshop for actors, directors, theater and cinema students. The pedagogical work is based on the work of the choir and improvisation in music.
As the same Nicolaï say: "We will work in music to learn to see the world through the eys of the notes, to make sure that the actor would become a traveler in this imaginary universe. We will seek a body of poetry, non-realistic, perfectly designed, worthy of the world transposed by theater.
We will try to define that condition of inner calm, necessary to receive the messages that come from the heart.
We will try to find honestly that movements of soul without which theater can not take place".
The work will take place in Modena from 16 to 19 May: 6 hours of work per day divided between morning and afternoon. The total cost is 150,00 €. Entries close on 6 May 2013.
For information and / or enrollment send an e-mail: festival@viefestivalmodena.com, with the subject " Nicolaï Laboratory VIE Festival". To register please attach to the email a brief curriculum vitae. Participants will be contacted no later than May 10, 2013.
organization Claudio Ponzana
thanks to Associazione Artisti Drama for the collaboration
Serge Nicolaï
Actor, director and set designer since 1997, Serge Nicolaï worked in the company of Ariane Mnouchkine at the Théâtre du Soleil shows in Et Soudain des nuits d’Eveil, Tambours sur la Digue, Le Dernier Caravansérail, Les Éphémères, and recently in Les Naufragés du Fol Espoir.
He has worked with other directors, including Irina Brook, Benoît Lavigne and Marta Stebnika.
Al also worked as actor in film and television.